Chapter 494 A Sad Dragon

"Falling Star!" Wizard Eronin enchanted and the heavens answered his call in full. Several gigantic lumps of magical construct fell down from right above the sky.



"BANG!" A deluge of power reigned upon the human encampment nearby. It did not take long for a huge mushroom of energy to visit in all directions.

This great attack would have decimated everything and everyone on its path. It could be seen on how merciless the Wizard Eronin was on his first spell alone.

"Are you out of your mind, Eronin?!" Althea roared as she hastily saw to the safety of the innocent humans in the market stalls. Luckily enough, she was not alone in her sentiment.

A few wizards helped her move the mortals in time and so they were saved from the collateral aftermath of such a savage magical spell.

The wizard Althea also wished to save all the inhabitants in the Astronian camp but alas, her technique did not work on them.