Chapter 499 To War!

The wizards finally got the clue and so they left without saying anything else. The atmosphere was of course different unto the slave girls. 

"Thank you so much, Master Wizard!"

"We owe you our lives, Master Wizard!"

"I will remember your benevolence for as long as i live!"




The slave girls each thanked the Wizard King and did not waste anymore breath afterwards. They run away from their captivity. To where? Only god shall know since their kingdoms were no more.

They could also not bid for refuge inside the Astronian camp because they hated them with a vengeance.

If not for these Astronians coming here and killing off their court wizards then this would have never happened in the first place.

The kingdoms of Baldur and Xurin would not have been destroyed. Thus, these beautiful young girls could only band together and take strength in one another's company.

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