Chapter 617 No Yang Essence Wasted

Several voices of shock rippled in the scene. A few women could not help but sit up and crane their necks forward to better witness our bored gamer's amazing tool of destruction.

They all forgot that they need to pretend to be sleeping at this time. The ruse was thrown out the window.

"I would die if i had to take that much cock inside me!" A woman shivered in terror.

"Same. I was a paid prostitute for the mafia but I have never seen a cock that big in my life!" Another woman shared her thoughts.

"But didn't they say that the bigger it is, the better the experience it will be for women?" An innocent but average looking woman asked into the fray.

"It would feel good but the pain and discomfort will always be there."

"And for a dick that huge, I bet that the experience would simply be too hard for any girl to try." A woman shared her view.

While all of this was happening, Nicole was terrified at what she was currently holding.