Chapter 635 Divine Soul Seal

'Dumb human! You must be stupid if you think that you could learn a complex soul technique today.' Dark Crow thought inside and he almost smiled in place.

Luckily enough, he willed the impulse down before it could even take form on his beak. Time passed and Dark Crow has already regenerated his missing body parts in full.

A level 10 existence has an extremely strong vitality and thus, it would also follow that it would be very hard to kill them.

At worst cases, they could even do a complete blood and flesh rebirth after absolute physical disintegration. These peak old monsters were definitely on a tier above the rest.

"Hmmm... Interesting concept we got here. The creator of this manual is truly a master in the dao of the soul."

Our bored gamer said once he finished reading the texts on the scroll from start to finish.

It took him more or less 10 minutes to do that and he was glad to hear a familiar notification after he read the last word.