Chapter 646 A Few Conjectures

'Hmmm... I finally got 2 in the bag.'

'I should take this time to find 8 more.' Our bored gamer thought inside while enjoying the loving care of both Cora and Nicole.

The two were busy licking his godly tool of love at the same time. It did not need telling that he was man enough to take care of 2 lovers in one setting.

One should know that back on Earth, Clark already has 16 members in his harem and he could love them all just fine without any hitch whatsoever.

'But I wonder why my partner wanted me to add 10 women to that list?' Clark rubbed his chin as he thought about the many possible answers to this question.

'Is it perhaps because of its first owner?'

'Particularly about his sad fate of betrayal?' He mused some more and finally got to this conclusion. The first owner of the heavenly treasure clay brick only had one wife and lover.

Unfortunately, that one person was the cause of his demise in the end.