Chapter 684 A Feast of Elders

'A feast?!' Elder Tang Kong and the rest of the elders were surprised at this new development. One should know that something like this never happened in the past.

A simple inner disciples exam certainly did not merit such a huge celebration.

The same confusion mirrored on the faces of the nearby disciples but same as the sect elders, they were wise enough to keep their mouths shut in the aftermath.

"Of course I'll go. I love feasts!" Clark nodded and smiled unto the sect master. He nodded once and without ado, went on to fetch his lover Ye Xinxia.

"I hereby declare that the annual inner disciples exam is over!" Elder Tang Kong said but the action did not stop there at all. The sect master left and so did the elders.

Before long, Elder Tang Kong herself disappeared in place. And after that, a rush of bodies could be seen moving all at once.





