Chapter 687 Azure Lake Palace

'I'll explain later, Min'er.' Lady Quan Yan sent a message through her spiritual sense. After that, she got the nearest cup and a big jar of wine.

The smell of a strong fine liquor then wafted a few seconds later.

"Where are the dancers and the music? Summon them fast!"

"Let's start this feast and let it go on for three days straight!"

Lady Quan Yan said towards the elders and then took the single cup of wine and offered it humbly before our very own protagonist.

'Hehehe. This old woman is clever!' Clark smiled but he took the cup nonetheless.

Since he already paid his rent in this sect twice and became a Legacy Disciple in the end, he could walk sideways from now on and no one would find it strange at all.

The feast started and lasted for 3 days straight just as Lady Quan Yan wanted. With strong bodies like they had, they could even have a full week of nonstop festivities.