Chapter 733 Display

"Where am i?" Our bored gamer asked this simple question out but alas, the words sounded gibberish in his ears.

His throat was constricted by something so tight and it felt like his head was going to get pulled out from his shoulders in time.

Clark looked around him and it seemed like he was elevated in place but the scene was very much unnatural for him.

It did not take him long to find out that he was free swinging in a cheap hotel bathroom with a rope tied down his neck.

He tried to free himself with the use of his own power but he could barely even move a finger, much less raise his hand for that matter.

'A little help, partner. Or do you want this body to die a second time today?' Our good gamer said inwardly towards the stronger cheat inside his soul.

"DING!" The rope was cut shortly in response and the ensuing sound was rather loud to Clark's ears.