Chapter 740 Dog Acting

"HAHAHA! Look at the dog do some acting."

"He is lucky that he's just standing there without any lines at all." A couple commented on the side.

The scene was just our bored gamer looking sadly amidst the desolate era which featured a lot of death and suffering.

No words were spoken but the seriousness of the situation was palpable in the face of our very own protagonist. The ladies could not help but swoon at this perfect picture.

"Oh. my. Lord! Why is he so handsome?!" An actress could not help but exclaim in the distance.

With complete armors and a freely flowing cape, our good gamer looked like a tired but determined warrior. He represented all mighty heroes of old.

The men could not help but envy this role once more.

This was the chance of a lifetime especially with a movie budget this big and they could not believe that this would fall only at the lap of a mediocre actor like Albert Hayes.
