Chapter 776 Second Meeting (R-18)

The start of the second day of class came and Jason Birth was not happy at all. There was a nagging feeling at the back of his mind but he chose to keep it a secret for now even to himself.

He knew that his every move was being watched by somebody or something that he could not define even with all the great powers in his possession.

"Good morning, class! Today we are going to do something different. A group match shall happen so that we can learn about the intricacies of teamwork.

This is a must have skill to gain in the early days of your training as hunters. You may believe that you are strong alone but you can definitely be stronger with trusted allies at your side.

So get to know each other well and start making friends today." Miss Graham said and this was how the class started and ended.

It did not need telling that our op protagonist was on top of the list of everyone's radar.