Chapter 792 Challenge Accepted

"We don't server beggars around here, boy." 

"Go some place else to sit your ass. Now scram!" One soul in the audience commented harshly. 

The man looked at the dirty appearance of our bored gamer and extreme dislike blossomed on his face at once. 

He could see quite well and it was easy to tell that our good gamer was indeed nothing but trash in society. Someone that certainly did not belong in this place. 

"And here i was wondering where i could get a generous patron tonight. Kind of you to volunteer. Hand your money over and you may go." 

Clark smiled since he was pleased with this turn of events. 

Although he looked like a young man already after reaching the apex of power in this world but his clothes remained to those of a mining slave. 

He was too lazy to think about trivial matters such as proper clothing for now.