Chapter 901 Meeting

"Somebody help me please! HELP!" Xiao Lingyu took this chance to call for aid but alas, the myriad formations in this room of r*ape hindered any sound from going out.

It was a brave effort but futile nonetheless. Even if the person outside could hear her, he or she would also be powerless to stop Chu Cangsheng.

One did not become a revered elder of a clan by being weak after all.

"How come these bugs dare to disturb me tonight of all times!" The handsome Chu Cangsheng cursed the bad timing of the summons.

"I will get to know you much better later on, Xiao Lingyu." Chu Cangsheng spat these words before vanishing in a flash of blinding light. A roar of thunder could be heard subtly in his exit.

"THUD!" Xiao Lingyu crumpled on the floor in relief. Nevertheless, the truth remained that she was helpless to resist against the sticky old paws of Elder Chu Cangsheng.