Chapter 934 A Dance of Flames

"Who the ugly fuck are you?! Get your ass out of here!" A minion of Ralph threatened. His big body came closer towards our very own protagonist and that was as far as he got.

"THUD!" The ape collapsed in a bag of soulless meat.






And all the others like him followed suit. Even Cara was not saved from the ordeal.

"What is this?!"


"I'm so afraid." Ten souls were slapped away from their mortal shells. They laid vulnerable in the physical world where it would only take mere days before they would forget who and what they were.

Clark would of course not let that happen. He had a better plan in mind for this group of lucky souls.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" A black flame materialized in all directions and it crawled slowly towards the bodiless beings in the room.

Every single one of them tried to hide, fly, and escape but alas, it was all for naught in front of our op gamer.