Chapter 950 Burrow

"It's time to fulfill my promise." Our bored gamer said and stood up from the lotus position that he maintained for almost one year straight.

This was nothing compared to the penance of other crazy cultivators that reached up to trillions of years and more.

"WHOOSH!" Clark did not even have to take the normal route of passage but merely traversed space as if it was his own personal domain.

"DING!" In a blink of an eye, his form traversed into somewhere entirely unknown. This was a dead world that bore no life whatsoever.

Alas, the same could not be said unto the being that laid rest within these cold lands.

"I apologize for the intrusion but I have need of 3 legendary artefacts in your possession, Immortal Jade Crow."

Our good gamer's voice was not loud but it easily scattered in all directions of this decaying world. No one answered at his summons.