Chapter 972 Negotiation

Our evil mc walked then forward as if nothing important was happening around him and find his way towards the center of the village.

"Hmmm… This noble chair is not that bad at all." Our evil mc commented whilst he tried testing its soft comforts for himself.

He leaned back, twirled like a kid on the seat, and then finally took a dignified pose while cradling his head on both entwined hands.

"The village has done nothing to offend you. Please let them all go!" Mari pleaded for her people.

Although she walked like a puppet on strings beforehand but that body manipulation had not made her blind of her surroundings. She had witnessed the fear and confusion of the villagers.

More than that, Mari was worried about her husband Kumatsu Toyokumi.

"What happens to them matters little to me. They could die and I won't shed one tiny tear at all. I'm only concerned about my wellbeing." Sean replied frankly.