Chapter 1012 Choices

'Will I get the full powers of any of these characters?' Tristan asked using only his mind to converse with the system. Truth be told, he was skeptical inside.

One should know that anyone of these 3 can easily conquer the anime world of Parallel Realms many times over.

"Affirmative, host." The system cheat replied.

'And how do I get out of this world? What do i have to do in return?' Our evil mc remained unconvinced. From the life he lived so far, he understood that there were no free lunches anywhere in that world.

Sooner or later, one has got to pay for the things one consumed.

"You need to only make love to at least one main cast of this anime world.

Should you achieve that, 3 random universes will be given for you to pick and enter then you will have a chance to receive yet another 1 character template.

The system shall require nothing from you. Only that you go to where your heart takes you." The system informed.