The Village

Wordlessly, the youths gathered around Henriksen. Different thoughts filled their minds, with some more apprehensive than others.

James assumed a relaxed demeanor. No matter what Henriksen said, it couldn't be more surprising than The Collector. His eyes shifted between the youths, some watched in bated breaths while a few tried their best to calm their tensed hearts.

"The explosion you heard earlier was the handiwork of the Caretakers. They use it to announce their arrival in the four selection sites. This wasn't supposed to happen now, it's too early... if my guess is correct, they're here because of what happened during your selection," Henriksen said. A wry smile still tugged at his lips, however, he had regained his calm once more.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yoz asked. Unlike before, her severed arm had regenerated to that of an infant. In a few more weeks, it would be as good as new. A testament to the regenerative abilities of Lizardmen.

Henriksen shifted towards her direction, saying "Isn't it obvious? I already told you that it was impossible for you to survive such a horde. I'm fairly certain they came because of the abnormal beast horde."

"Forget about the beast horde for now, tell us about the Village. What kind of place is it?" Rowan said. That Henriksen wasted time on irrelevant questions displeased him. Unlike the other youths, he troubled Henriksen for the Village on a daily basis. And, Henriksen's silence on the topic had infuriated him the most.

"As impatient as ever, Prince," Henriksen said. Clearing his throat as he stroked his beard. He donned a deep contemplative look.

"Depending on your fate, the Village could become a paradise or the very depths of hell. Let me warn you, it's nothing like the Odon Forest. There, even if you're the strongest or the smartest, you could die a wretch death in the blink of an eye," Henriksen paused. Gauging the reaction of the youths.

Naturally, his words distorted the youths faces.

A moment later, he continued, "Unlike the Selection, the Caretakers don't run the Village. Instead, it is run by survivors of the each selection. In essence, you and me. But that's in theory, though. Don't think I'm insulting you, but none of you will come close to wielding such authority. Hell, even I can't dream about it."

At that moment, the expressions of the youths sank. Initially, they assumed the Village was another location controlled by the Caretakers. None of them expected such a twist.

"How can one get the authority to rule the Village?" Rowan asked. His eyes gleamed with a mysterious light. He ignored Henriksen's latter words, only he would determine his own future, he thought.

"Oh, Prince. I have seen that look so many times. Trust me, it's never going to happen. Whatever plans you're cooking in that mischievous head of yours, discard it for your own good. The rulers of the Village are the best of the best among the survivors. There's no plot you could hatch that could touch them," Henriksen explained.

However, Rowan only rolled his eyes, but said nothing further.

'This greedy idiot will get himself killed...' Henriksen thought, slowly shaking his head.

"Ummm... so, what's the place like? How do we eat? Where do we get clothes? Do we get to fight? Please say yes... hehe."

Even if they had suddenly gone blind, everyone knew who had spoken. Only one person would air such asinine thoughts.

The youths stared at Aebalar, none of them knew what to say. She grinned at them, not minding what they thought of her.

"Hahahaha... if that's what you want, then you'll get loads of fights. As long as you chose the right path," Henriksen said.

"What do you mean by right path?" Solhiem, the male Dark Elf asked.

However, Henriksen said nothing while shaking his head.

"I thought you said you would--"

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything about that. I'm forbidden from doing so. Rest easy, you don't have to worry about food, shelter or clothes. In fact, you'll even have hundreds of slaves upon your arrival... oops. I shouldn't have said that..." Henriksen awkwardly scratched his head while avoiding the curious gazes of the youths.

'They're going to give us slaves? Hahaha... this is becoming interesting...' For a moment, a sinister smile flashed across James's lips. Unnoticed by all but one, only because she had been staring keenly at him.

"Let me guess, you're not going to say anything further, right?" Rowan sarcastically asked.

"You surprise me with your knowledge each day, my Prince." Henriksen quipped.

The corners of Rowan's mouth trembled, but he restrained himself from cursing. He would never give Henriksen that satisfaction. Meanwhile, Henriksen couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"Henriksen, you said you would tell us all you knew about the Village. Don't tell me that's all there's. There has to be more, right?" Lilis asked.

Having spent the most time with him, she knew him better than the other youths.

"Of course not. I initially planned on tell you everything, but I had a change of--"

"Why?" Lilis interjected. A deep frown distorter her beautiful face.

"Hahaha... if I told you everything, some of you would probably commit suicide on the spot. I can't make that mistake again," Henriksen causally said.

'Oh? So this isn't the first time he's accompanying new recruits... does he purposely tell half-truths to confuse those around him?' James mused. He could still vividly remember Henriksen's words when he introduced himself to the group.

Just like James, Henriksen's words stirred the emotions of the other youths. However, they focused more on the latter part of his statement. They wondered what frightening information could make them want to take their lives.

Those who had begun to underestimate the Village had a rethink. After all, they hadn't experienced anything normal in Kynar.

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Several Targets stronger than the User detected!

Distance: 400m... 380m... 360m...

'The Caretakers are here already?' James thought. Subconsciously, he stared in the direction the previous explosion originated. From the perspective of others, he only took a casual glance.

"Don't worry, as long as you use your head, you won't die in the Village. You're in luck. Since the Caretakers are on their way here, we might arrive at the Village sooner than expected. Hahaha... I feel that's where your luck ends, though... hahaha..."

'This bastard. Just you wait. I'll wipe that smile of your face some day... huh? what's that?' Rowan narrowed his eyes. Just like him, some of the youths noticed five black dots rapidly approaching.

Noticing the wandering gazes of the youths, Henriksen turned his head. Just then, Henriksen's eyes quivered, as he muttered, "They sent them?"

"Who are they?" A barely audible voice escaped out of Aebalar's robes. If one looked closely enough, they would notice a miniature Goopi poking her head out of Aebalar's sleeve.

"Bad Goopi. You're not strong enough to talk yet. Go back to sleep. Bad Goopi." Aebalar chided. However, she was curious about the identities of the flying figures, too.

'They can fly? What I would do to get my hands on them... This next few weeks will be fun. I almost want to stay in this place.' Unlike the other youths, James felt he was living a dream.

He didn't have the ambition of ruling the Village, rather he wanted nothing more than to milk everyone there of their abilities and Exp. That he would be given free slaves was a bonus on an already fantastic deal. By the time he was through with Kynar, they wouldn't know what hit it.

To James, Kynar was just another insignificant speck in this violent conquest of Skyhaven. The rulers might have squashed all oppositions, however, they had never met anyone like him.