
James noticed that his Grim Reaper voice had undergone changes too. However, it was subtle compared to the changes to his appearance.

"W-What... W-What... are you?" Anoko's trembling fingers pointed towards James, his voice barely coherent.

In his years of living, he had seen nothing like what stood before his eyes. Fear he had never felt before gripped the very depths of his soul.

Jiro and Aebalar who had already exchanged a few blows also stared at James in utter disbelief. Unlike the Beastman, however, Aebalar flashed a dazzling smile which contradicted with her quivering eyes.


Soul Parasite Curse Activated!

Beginning Exp Extraction!

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,800,900.23 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

James's eyes lit up as the system's message continued to echo within his mind. For the first time since he transformed to his Grim Reaper form, he took his first step.

"Stay away from me!" Anoko's trembling voice echoed in all directions.

Being a Demon, he was sensitive to sorcery which related to souls and spirits. His conscience screamed at him, telling him the being before him could devour him whole.

'I have to get away from this monster... I can't die here.' Anoko made his decision.

"I give up my right to take part in the ceremony!" Anoko bellowed. His eyes darted in every direction. Waiting, hoping that Boufal would end his nightmare.

"I give up too. Get me out of here!" Jiro also shouted. Having exchanged just a few blows with Aebalar, he knew for sure only death awaited him if he continued. Coupled with the fact that there was a monstrosity like James in the arena. He needed no one to tell him such a person wouldn't hesitate to kill them all.

"Boufal! Boufal! What you doing you! I said I give up!" Anoko bellowed. He couldn't understand why no one responded to his words, coupled with the fact that James didn't halt his steps.


"He won't come. No one will come. It's just you and me!" James interjected.

A chill ran down Anoko's spine, James who had been walking at a snail's pace suddenly disappeared and reappeared before him.

Standing before hell's collector, Anoko's mind went blank with his body going limp.

"I thought you wanted to fill me with regret? Where's that confidence of yours?" James mocked. His hulking frame towered over Anoko, with his scythe caressing the frigid skin of the demon.

"P-Please... d-don't kill me..." Anoko squeezed out a plea through his trembling lips. If he had known he would encounter such a being, he would have remained in the Odon Desert. Braving the scorching heat and the many sand worms.

James's laughter greeted Anoko's words. He truly didn't expect a proud demon to beg for his life.

"P-Please, I can be of—"

Before Anoko could finish his statement, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Involuntarily, blood poured from the sides of mouth. He lowered his head, only to realize that James's left arm had burrowed deep into his chest. His hand firmly grabbing his beating heart.

"Fret not, you will definitely be of use!"

Just as James finished his statement, he crushed Anoko's heart with substantial force. Disbelief clouded Anoko's eyes, which had already lost their light.

Jiro, who stood a few feet away, couldn't hide his apprehension. Being a Beastman, he had a keen sense and instinct, and they all screamed at him to run for his life. Earlier, he couldn't follow James's movement, and it terrified him. Because James could have easily appeared in front or behind him.

'I can't stay here anymore!' Jiro mused. Just as the thought filled his mind, a familiar voice drifted into his ears, "Umm? Are you sure you want to be spacing out right now? We still have to finish our fight, you know..."

'Fight? Is she insane? Can't you see how that thing killed Anoko with ease?' Jiro turned his head towards Aebalar. He couldn't believe his ears. That she wore a dazzling smile sent an eerie chill down his spine.

At that moment, a sudden realization dawned on him, 'the two of them planned it from the beginning. That's why Boufal can't hear us... I can't stay here anymore. I have to run!'

Wasting no time, Jiro unleashed a frightening turn of speed. Racing towards the barrier protecting the other youths. He figured he had to run towards them if he wanted to continue living.

The moment Jiro took his tenth step, however, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

'What? How did she catch up to me when I am using my full speed?' Jiro couldn't believe Aebalar could keep up with his speed.

"C'mon. Let's not drag this out, okay? Just be a good doggie and let me kill you. If you behave like an obedient boy, I'll make sure it's not painful, okay?" Aebalar said. She slowly shook her head, wagging the index finger of her right hand while her left hand rest on her hip.

Although Aebalar scolded him like a mere dog, Jiro didn't get angry. Rather, his apprehension grew. Because Aebalar, too, had undergone a subtle change. Although faint, he could see a bloody mist surrounding her, partially covering the glow in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Jiro retreated a few steps. At that same moment, however, he collided against an invisible barrier.

'Huh? What's going on? Where did this come from?' Jiro struck the barrier with his club. However, nothing happened. The darkness seemed to devour the sounds of the clash. Mortal terror gripped Jiro's heart. He believed James had intervened.

"You didn't heed my warning... don't blame for what's about to happen!"

Jiro shuddered as he heard the shrill voice. It was like listening to the voice of an aged witch who had devoured the souls of countless babies. Before he could react, however, a familiar coppery scent filled his nose.

'Blood? Whose?' Jiro instinctively scanned his body, checking for hidden wounds. However, he found nothing. Yet, the bloody scent thickened. Just then, Jiro felt his strength gradually leaving him. His vision slowly turning blurry.

'Is this how I'll die? What did I do to deserve such a cruel fate? Why—?' Mid-thought, Jiro's consciousness faded. His body plummeting to the ground. Within seconds, it vibrated vigorously while blood poured from his orifices. Within a minute, all the blood in Jiro's body hovered above his dried remains.

Opening her small mouth, Jiro's blood raced into Aebalar's mouth. Slowly, she devoured it all. Her eyes, horns and tail glowed within the darkness, while she sultrily licked her lips.

A loud boom suddenly echoed within the arena. Aebalar's eyes followed the origin of the explosion, and she could see a gigantic crack on the surface of her barrier. Her mouth opened slightly, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Through the crack, a ghastly face emerged. With a skull as white as soon, covered with flames darker than ink. James emerged like a sovereign from hell. He stared at Aebalar through the opening he made with his fists.

"Five minutes is up! Prepare yourself. This is the last day you'll walk this world." James declared.

At that moment, the barrier shattered completely.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,800,900.23 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,800,900.23 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,800,900.23 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.

The User has gained 1,450,504.78 Exp.

The User has gained 1,390,770.89 Exp.


The User has fulfilled all System Ranking Requirements!

- Obtain 3 Blood Essence!

- Accumulate 12,000,000 worth of Exp!

- Induce Mutation of Title- Grim Reaper!

The User has reached a new Level!

The User has reached a new Rank!

The User has unlocked a New Skill.

The User has gained a new Title!

Age: 14

Rank: Journeyman.

Level: 30 (7,701,840.89 Exp needed to upgrade to the next Level).

Current Exp: 558,000.00


Intelligence: 4000. Wisdom: 1100. Strength: 5. Endurance: 4301. Luck: 100. Agility: 2252.

Defense: 2252. Charisma: 200.


-Mana Manipulation.

-Death Magic.

-Dark Arts.

-Undead Physiology.

-Rot Inducement.

-Curse Inducement.

-Hell-Fire Manipulation.

-Shadow Barrier.

-Blood Magic (Unlocked).



-Grim Reaper.

-Soul Cleaver.

-Netherworld Survivor (Branded).


-Odon Alloy Ring.

-Golden Six Clover Orchid.

-Mask of the Dead.

-Nightbane, Warblade of Dark Souls.

-Army of the Fallen.

-Lesser Demons (Refining Incomplete).

-Damned Souls.


{Bloodline Vault}

-??? (The user's Rank is too low to access this information)

- Blood Essence of unevolved beasts.

- Blood Essence of a demon.

