
'I didn't expect this many to survive,' Bronwyn, who was the highest-ranked Caretaker among the five-man group, bowed slightly.

"Uh? How did we get here?" Rowan shuddered. He echoed the sentiments of most of the youths. The last thing they remembered was the barrier shattering. How did they get to the harbor? They wondered.

'Is this the same island?' Rowan frowned. His eyes drifted between the sparkling blue sea and the majestic mountains ahead. The noon sun and fluffy clouds replaced the apocalyptic dark skies. A large settlement replaced the menacing jungle.

'Did that bastard trick us?' Cefero tricking them was the only conjecture that made sense. If not, how else could they explain the beautiful scenery? It must have been an illusion, Rowan mused.

"I understand that you are confused." Awoken from their thoughts, the youths stared at Bronwyn. His eyes swept across the confused crowd, his smile only adding to their anxiety. 'Isn't he from...?' Bronwyn's eyes stopped on a familiar face. James wore an awkward smile while avoiding the latter's gaze.

'I didn't expect him to make it this far. He could — Wait. Is that?' Bronwyn inched forward. Reaching for James's arm. Before he could reach James, however, the youths in that direction retreated.

"What are you trying to do?" A Beastman bellowed. He glared at Bronwyn with bloodshot eyes, warning him not to make a move.

'I got carried away...' Bronwyn chuckled softly. Stroking his beards, he said, "My name is Bronwyn." Pointing towards the other Caretakers, he continued, "We are responsible for your introduction. If you don't mind, please—"

Two loud splashes cut off Bronwyn's words. Instinctively, everyone turned towards the sparkling waters.

Three Lizardmen and a Halfling who bore great similarities with a Lizardman, swam with all their might.

'They're escaping?' A sudden realization dawned on some youths. Who could stop them if they fled? Especially when nothing bound their limbs or restricted their movements. Another five splashes echoed. Three Demons and two humans joined the previous trio.

'Damn it!' Rowan cursed underneath his breath. 'Only if I had the abilities of those Lizardmen.' Apart from creatures born of the sea, no land bound race could rival the Lizardmen in swimming.

A similar thought flashed through the minds of the others. For the first time, they wished they had been born as Lizardmen. There was no catching them once they escaped through the sea.

'What is this Bronwyn going to do about it? Surely he wouldn't let them get away?' Rowan turned towards Bronwyn. If he couldn't leave, he wanted the others to share the same miserable fate with him. 'Huh? Is he smiling?' Rowan expected to see a grim expression on Bronwyn's face. He never expected to see the five Caretakers smiling cheerfully. Their listless eyes had a tinge of mockery in him and a gleam of expectation.

'These bastard expected this?' Rowan pondered. Just then, his eyes lit up. 'I almost forgot about the matter in that makeshift coliseum.' He couldn't forget how the Caretakers causally detonate dozens of children. It still plagued him in his dreams. 'Wait, a minute...' Rowan stared intently at Bronwyn. 'I knew he looked familiar. It's him.' He finally remembered Bronwyn's identity.

In deep thought, an indistinct voice filled Rowan's ears, "Huh? Why did they stop?"

The fleeing group paused in the same spot. Whether or not they swung their limbs or tails made no difference. They helplessly floated in the same spot. Each staring at the other with undisguised confusion.

"Hahaha... those bastards thought they could leave? Fools!" Rowan jeered. 'But why did they suddenly stop? This isn't normal...' Rowan thought. His eyes narrowed. Staring at the oddly calm sea. Despite the violent swings of the floating youths, he couldn't see ripples. It made no sense.

"If you don't want to die, come here."

The youths turned their heads, only to see the Caretakers had rushed off the dock. Before anyone could speak, a redhead youth dashed towards the Caretakers. Terror clear in his limpid eyes.

'Kaleb?' Rowan Instantly recognized James. 'Something bad is definitely about to happen. That bastard never gambles on his life.' Without delay, Rowan ran towards the Caretakers.

His actions triggered a domino effect. Those who had been on the fence ran towards the Caretakers. The wooden pier swung from side to side. A few almost falling into the deep blue waters.

A select few remained on the shaking dock. None had good impressions of the Caretakers or what they represented. Some still harbored hopes of escaping, while others keenly observed the floating group.

"Naita," Bronwyn called out to the oldest among the Caretakers. "You want me to set it up?" Naita's deep voice echoed. "Are you going to abandon them?" Naita fiddled with one of several swollen warts lining his dried skin. Silence greeted his words. Bronwyn still sported the same smile.

"Such a shame," Naita chuckled. He then clicked his fingers fives times and did nothing further. However, no changes occurred.

'What are they trying to set up?' Rowan brows creased. He heard the conversation earlier and didn't expect nothing to happen. 'Never mind that...' Rowan regained his composure. His eyes turned towards James, 'Why does he look scared out of his mind? Is there something there we can't see?' Rowan's frown deepened.

James's lips quivered while he instinctively retreated. Although he didn't know James well, he had never seen him in such a state. James's eyes wandered around the motionless youths. However, Rowan couldn't see anything no matter how much he tried.

James's reactions couldn't be fake, he believed. Coupled with Bronwyn's and Naita's words, Rowan believed something dangerous approached their location. That he couldn't sense it sent a chill down his spine. How could one defeat what they couldn't sense? It was impossible.

Those who remained on the pier had grown tired of watching the motionless group. They didn't understand why they stopped. A few retreated towards where the others stood. They firmly believed Bronwyn's words earlier was meant to agitate them. After all, over five minutes had passed since his declaration, yet nothing happened.

They strolled. Occasionally turning towards the stranded group. Then it happened. A whip crack tore through the air. Noon turned into night and a frigid wind replaced the summer breeze. A wall of fog loomed high and vast before them.

"What's g-going on?" Garik, a Demon muttered. He raised his head, staring at the darkened skies. His face paled. How could the world change like that? He thought. He ignored Bronwyn earlier because he didn't want to acknowledge the words of a mere human. 'I have to run!' He could no longer hesitate.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw crystal clear sea turn into a putrid mass of black filth. 'It's the same island!' Fear gripped his heart. With a speed that turned his movement into a blur, his body swayed from side to side, pushing those who blocked his path.

Only a few feet separated him from Bronwyn's group. Although he didn't trust the Caretakers, they would assure his safety at least. He clenched his fists, 'I have to get there!' His muscles tensed. Fueled by his fear, his speed increased.

'It's about to start.' Bronwyn's lips curved into a smile. "Activate it," he said. Naita stretched his palms towards Garik and those fleeing towards them. He smiled faintly, exposing his scanty teeth. "Husan... Bockadah... Atamaka... Irevaso..." He chanted. His right arm moved clockwise while his left arm moved anticlockwise.

"Don't stop me!" Garik bellowed. Although he didn't understand Naita's words, his instincts told him to reach them as soon as possible. 'I won't die here!' Garik's eyes turned bloodshot. His speed doubled. Only five feet separated him from the others.

"... Pavor!" Naita finished his chant. Yet nothing happened. Garik and the retreating youths sighed. They had feared the worst.

'Trying to scare us, huh.' Garik's heart eased. 'I'll show—' Mid-thought, his face smashed against a hard surface. His vision blurred. Blood poured from the sides of his lips and his disfigured nose. Those behind him paused in their steps. Staring incredulously at Garik. What did he crash into? They pondered.

A young man inched forward. Stretching his clenched fists towards the open air. 'What did he crash...?' His fists only moved five inches before meeting a hard surface. 'Barrier?' His face paled.

"It's a barrier!" A Beastman said. His curiosity also got the best of him. The Beastman growled, "Why are you trying to block our path?!"

Bronwyn ignored him. Instead, he pointed towards the sea. The youths followed toward his outstretched finger, and their expressions darkened. They couldn't see those who swam to freedom or any of the youths who remained at the edge of the dock.

"I warned you earlier." Bronwyn chuckled. "It's too late now." He added.

"Open the barrier! Please!" The Beastman begged. However, Bronwyn shook his head. His eyes mocked the Beastman.

"Open the fucking barrier!" The Beastman howled. His eyes turned bloodshot and his breathing heavy. An ominous premonition filled his mind. After everything he had suffered, he didn't want to die here. 'Something is coming. I have to get out of here!' His eyes roamed the area. Naita's barrier blocked the only path out of the docks. Unless one jumped into the waters below and swam to shore, they would meet their doom.

A splash echoed. 'Someone jumped?' The Beastman turned towards the side. Three Demons jumped into the eerie waters. He could already deduce their intentions. The water level wasn't as deep as the edge. They believed they could swim to safety.

'I should join...' Criwi, the Beastman, thoughts trailed off. Despite the shallow waters, the Demons remained submerged. It wasn't normal. Seconds piled into minutes, yet they remained submerged. Criwi turned towards Bronwyn. All traces of savagery had disappeared from his disposition. He prostrated, as he said, "Please let me in!"

A proud Beastman had lowered himself to the position of a mere dog.

"Please let me in!" Others joined him. They trembled uncontrollably while glancing at Bronwyn. Only he could save them.

"Children, you flatter me." Bronwyn's brows shot up. He then turned towards Naita, "Make the barrier thicker, okay?" Naita nodded.

"Bastard! I will—" A deafening, but melodious whistle interrupted Criwi. The youths who prostrated rose to their feet. Necks bent at awkward angles while their trembling legs barely supported their swaying bodies.

"What's going on?" Urumi muttered. She voiced the thoughts of a few hiding behind the barrier.

"Bronwyn, what's happening to—" Before Rowan could make his inquiry, another whistle echoed. This time, Criwi and the others walked towards the edge of the pier. Each step heavier than the last. "Where are they go—?" One after the other, they plunged into the unforgiving waters below. Never to emerge again.

"Naita, you can dispel it now." Bronwyn's voice echoed in the silence. He turned to face the stunned youths, saying, "If you desire to leave, be my guest. No one will stand in your way." He paused. His eyes swept across the youths as he continued, "Whether or not you can get away is another thing entirely. From today, you are all soldiers of the one and only heir of Aians Tuta Aghoul, The Sovereign of Darkness!"