
"I told you it would be difficult." Bronwyn sighed. James's expression was all too familiar. He had met several ambitious youths over the years who asked the same question. However, they could only rein in their thoughts after realizing the difficulty of the task.

"Is that all?" Bronwyn broke the silence. He couldn't spend his day waiting for James to regain his composure.

"Huh? ummm... yeah." James raised his head. "What else aren't you telling me?" He was familiar with people like Bronwyn. They only revealed the bare minimum. 'He's definitely withholding something from me.' James trusted his instincts.

"Pardon? I'm not sure what you mean by that?" Bronwyn smiled. "What could I possibly be hiding from you?" He stroked his beards while lazily staring at James.

'This bastard is definitely hiding something.' James's suspicions deepened. "I never said you were hiding something from me. Unless you really are hiding something..." James retorted offhandedly. "I asked what else I needed to know. Surely, you don't expect me to believe that's all there is to know about The Village, right?"

Bronwyn stood up. An amiable smile graced his lips, "You're overthinking things." Bronwyn shrugged. He readjusted his robes, before saying, "A day experienced is worth more than a decade heard. Why should I spoil the fun?" In light steps, he approached the blackboard.

James's visage darkened. 'I knew it.' Bronwyn's words confirmed his suspicions. He really hated people with Bronwyn's personality. They only made things more complicated for their own amusement.

"You don't have to stare at me like that..." Bronwyn's words trialed off as if he had remembered something, "Do you remember what I told you back then?"

'What's he hinting at? Does he think I'll do that?' James sneered inwardly but maintained an impassive countenance. He still remembered the words Bronwyn said before his group entered the feast.

"You're a smart kid. I'm sure you remember. So?"

James blinked absentmindedly. "So what?" He leaned back in his chair while folding his arms across his chest. 'Why would I waste my time with you?' He thought.

"I'm a specialist in rune sorcery," Bronwyn said. James stared at him blandly, as if asking what it had to do with him. sensing James's thoughts, Bronwyn continued, "As Caretakers, we may accept an apprentice to aid how research." James's confusion only deepened. 'Is he expecting me to become his apprentice?'

"Like you and the others..." Bronwyn paused. His visage turned serious. His limpid eyes scanned the room, searching for someone or something. Before James could comprehend what was happening, Bronwyn retrieved an object from his robes.

'A chalk?' James's eyes lingered on the blue chalk, which had no distinct feature other than its color. As soon as the chalk appeared, Bronwyn's left hand danced gracefully on the board's surface, each line and stroke displaying his mastery of his art. Seconds turned into minutes. A distinct pyramidal heptagram with Slavic like inscription graced the blackboard. Each character came to life, slowly merging to form a conscious whole.

Scanning Completed!

Name: Shattered World.

Rank: Superb.

Creator: Bronwyn.

Path: None.

Purpose: Sound Barrier Creation.

James's eyes narrowed. 'How did he create a Superb ranked skill?' James didn't expect Bronwyn's rune to reach the Superb rank. He knew how difficult it was for the system to acknowledge anything above the Good rank, not to talk of Superb. 'He's a genius.' James praised. Only a genius could create such a spell. A deadly light soon replaced the admiration in James's eyes, 'he chose the wrong person to show off to. Once I kill him and extract his soul, his knowledge will be mine.'

Bronwyn's roar interrupted James's thoughts. "Open!" The lines of the rune glowed with a blinding light. A transparent blue bubble appeared on the blackboard.

James eyes lingered on the rotating runes, 'It's getting quieter...' He could barely hear his own breathing.

"We should be able to talk with no one interfering," Bronwyn said.

James nodded. His eyes lingered on the spinning rune. Bronwyn's skill and actions had piqued his interest.

Bronwyn dusted off the chalk from his hands, as he said, "Just like you, I am also a property of The Order. I only have slightly more freedom than you do."

James's eyes bulged. 'What?! Even the Caretakers, too?' His breathing quicken. "What do you mean?" James blurted. There had to be more, he thought.

"While you're the brawn, we are the brains." Bronwyn explained. He expected James's question. Sitting on the desk, he continued, "They consider everyone of us a master in one aspect of sorcery. A few mastered two or more. Then there's the headmaster who has mastered a dozen."

'A dozen?' James's body trembled uncontrollably. It wasn't a big deal for him to master several skills since he possessed the Necromancer System. But it was nigh impossible without it, especially due to the difficulty in mastering one particular type of sorcery. That was the reason most sorcerers devoted their lives to mastering their chosen path. James had gotten four skills from absorbing Blay De Tover's soul. However, Blood Magic was his true heritage, hence the higher level required to unlock it. For someone to have mastered a dozen skills, it was frightening.

Bronwyn chuckled. 'Was this how I reacted when he told me?' He recalled a fond memory. He understood the reason for James's apprehension.

"There's no need to be frightened. Although she has mastered quite a number of spells, it comes with its own limitations." Bronwyn explained.

James frowned. "Limitations? What do you mean?" How could mastering several skills have a limitation? He mused.

Bronwyn remained silent. He had no intentions of explaining himself.

"So, what's the point of telling me the secret of the Caretakers?" James had a hunch, but he need clarification.

Bronwyn smiled. "You want to leave this place someday, right?" He stared keenly at James while his right hand fiddled with the chalk.

James's frown deepened. 'Is this a joke?' Who would stay in a place like Kynar?

"I'm not in the mood for games. Tell me what you mean." James barked.

"You already know the first condition if you want to leave. However, as a Caretaker I can leave three times a year. You know what I am hinting at, right?"

James nodded. It would be a waste of his intelligence stat if he didn't understand Bronwyn's words.

"I always knew you were a smart kid. So? Are you interested in becoming one?"

Silence greeted Bronwyn's words. It surprised him. He expected James to accept without a second thought.

"What's the problem? Isn't that what you—"

"What's the catch? You don't expect me to believe you're telling me this out of the goodness of your heart, right?"

'This brat is thorough. I like him. He is the perfect candidate...' Bronwyn clicked his tongue. Others wouldn't hesitate to accept his offer, especially after the hell they passed through during the selection, yet the redhead asked what he wanted in return.

"Right now, there is nothing you can offer me." Bronwyn explained. He cleared his throat, then continued, "However, if you survive the first nine months here, then we can negotiate—"

"Not interested!" James declared. He knew better than to make such an unscrupulous deal.

"Wait!" Bronwyn panicked. He didn't expect James to decline his offer, and firmly at that. "I won't do anything to harm you, neither am I intending to take advantage of you." Bronwyn explained.

However, James remained silent. His questioning gaze echoing his thoughts.

"You truly possess nothing I require. However, if you survive the first nine months, you'll be..." Bronwyn hesitated. If he spoke any further, he would violate Kynar's rules. His gaze met James's. He knew he wouldn't have any other opportunities to speak on the matter. Gritting his teeth, he continued, "you'll be able to reach the Odon Valley. A flower known as the Nether Queen grows there. That's what I want for taking you in. Do you accept my offer?"

"As an apprentice, can I enjoy the perks of a Caretaker?" James retorted with a question of his own.

From the beginning, Bronwyn only told him the benefits of being a Caretaker. But said nothing about their apprentice.

Bronwyn's face darkened. 'He noticed...' He didn't expect James to see through his wordplay.


"Then I am not interested!" James declared. He took advantage of others, not the other way around. He stood up before walking towards Bronwyn. "If that's all, I would like to visit my residence now," James said.

"Okay. I understand." Bronwyn clicked his fingers twice, and the rune shattered. A moment later, a rift opened. "It will lead you to your residence. Your slaves are waiting for you." Bronwyn explained.

James nodded. After the system's confirmation, he walked towards the portal. The moment he stood before the portal, however, Bronwyn's voice reached him, "Think about what I said. Although you won't have the same benefits as an official Caretaker, it really isn't a bad deal. Furthermore... wait!"

Bronwyn's words echoed within the classroom. However, James had already disappeared through the portal.

'I made a mistake... it won't be easy convincing him.'