Bloodbath II

Higgins expression had turned unsightly underneath his mask. 'How did he move so fast?' Even while facing the Damak twins, he paid close attention to James. He didn't commit fully to the battle, in case someone were to break free and make an attempt on James's life. James literally disappeared from Higgins' point of view. A moment ago, he stood motionlessly. The next moment, he appeared behind Dolroth like a ghost. Before Higgins or anyone could utter a sound, James's figure disappeared. Before appearing behind the slain Demon once more. They saw how Nightbane effortlessly tore through Dolroth's armor. However, Dolroth's unnatural swelling after being stabbed, and subsequent explosion, filled their minds with terror.

They didn't dare to look at James as a mere prize anymore. For the first time, they understood he posed a genuine threat to their lives.

"Dolroth is dead?" A young female Demon muttered. She and the surrounding Demons stared in disbelief. Along the years, the soldiers had turned the arena battles to a race supremacy war.

"He killed Dolroth." Rage filled the Demon's eyes and that of her companions. Being the proudest of races in Skyhaven, they didn't take too kindly to those who trampled on their pride.

Unlike the gloomy atmosphere around the Demons, the rest of the crowd grew ecstatic upon Dolroth's demise. They wanted to see blood and James duly delivered. None of them cared about the Demon's pride or that James had made himself an enemy to most Demons. All they wanted was a thrilling contest of blood and massacre. Why else would they come to the coliseum?

Another standstill ensued after Dolroth's demise. All six contestants, excluding Liko who remained submerged in the lava pool, stared at each other cautiously. Just then Higgins relaxed his stance. "Will you listen to my proposal?"

The group turned towards Higgins. They became more guarded. None of them had in interest in following Dolroth's footsteps.

"What are you plotting?" Filore asked. He pointed his halberd towards Higgins. His gaze shifted between Higgins and Uzerith, who stood a few feet away. He couldn't relax his guard in front of the Halfling.

Higgins leaned on his sword, as he said, "I'm not plotting anything. Wouldn't it be a waste if we were to all suffer in this battle?"

"What are you talking about? If you have a plan state it. Stop speaking in circles." Ecnaba barked. She would never trust the words of a human. That was the reason she ended up in a damnable place like Kynar. However, she would rather not battle to the death if there was an acceptable way to end the contest. Most of the other combatants shared a similar thought.

Higgins cast a momentary glance towards Ecnaba's direction. However, he remained silent. He took three steps back while dragging his long sword, before saying, "You all know the value of rights in the village, so I won't waste words on nonsense." Just then, Higgins threw his sword on the ground. His actions startled the crowd. However, it only made the others more guarded.

Higgins chuckled slightly. Ignoring the gasps from the crowd. He continued, "Although having rights is important, I doubt it is more important than preserving your lives, yes?" His gaze swept pass the group. Silence followed. No one could refute his words. As much as they would love to become right holders, they wouldn't trade in their lives for it.

"I'll take your silenced as an agreement." Higgins voice suddenly turned cold as he stared at James, "Instead of all of us suffering a loss. We can join forces to kill him, and whoever delivers the killing blow becomes the right owner—"

"Nonsense!" Filore interjected. "Is that the best plan you can come up with? How do I know one of you bastards wouldn't strike me when I turn my back? I wouldn't trust any of you!" He declared. He had seen several temporary alliances turn into a hotbed of betrayal. Although he would rather much avoid the hassle of an all out battle, he would never trust them not to attack him given the chance.

"The dwarf is right. We can't—"

"Who the fuck are you calling a dwarf? You limp dick gutter trash?" Filore barked. His eyes had turned bloodshot as he stared at Uzerith. He hated being made fun of. Especially when it related to his height. That a Halfling of all creatures would humiliate him left him incensed. His halberd turned towards Uzerith. He would rather slaughter the abomination than contend for the rights ownership.

Just then, Higgins' voice echoed again, "Whoever deals the killing blow becomes the right owner, but they must extend its benefits to everyone here."

His words stunned the crowd, and even more so the other combatants.

"That means we will become the underlings of whoever kills him?" Esaso muttered while glancing at James.

"Humph. I have no intentions of being a lackey to anyone! Much less you bastards!" Filore declared. He also stared at James with unmasked greed.

Higgins chuckled. He slowly reached for his sword as he said, "Same here. So, what do you think?"

Silence followed. Higgins wasn't in a hurry. He was confident of his odds, even if they rejected his proposal. He silently leaned on his sword while casually staring at James. He was the key to changing his fate in the village.

'So, it was possible to do that?' James had been silently listening to the discussion of the group.

'Is that the reason they promised so much if join their groups?' He had always suspected why the Church of Balaa and the Brotherhood tried to recruit him. Just then, a sudden realization dawned on him. 'If it's possible to extend the benefits of one's right to others, doesn't it mean one can also extend the duration of their right by seizing or forming alliances with others?' James smiled underneath his mask. 'No wonder they promised me so many benefits.' It all made sense to him.

James nonchalantly gazed at the group. Whether he said anything made little or no difference. Because, in their eyes, he was the golden ticket to a new life in Kynar. His words would only speed up their inevitable alliance. With Mana Manipulation active, he had slowly turned the ground pitch black while changing Mana in the air into a purple mist. He believed he would have enough time to eliminate a few of them before anyone dispelled it.

"We agree." Ecnaba spoke on behalf of her younger sister.

"I also agree." Filore decided.

Higgins then turned towards Uzerith. The Halfling remained silent but nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad you all agreed." Higgins suddenly paused before turning towards the Damak twins. "However, it would be for the best if you two tossed your bow and arrow to the side. We don't want to deal with them in case you suddenly change your mind."

Ecnaba and Esaso frowned. Before they could utter a word, Filore and Uzerith's glare fell on them. Esaso bit her lower lip while glaring at Higgins. 'This bastard! He did it on purpose!' She believed Higgins made the proposal to limit their odds of killing James, while voicing his concern under the pretext of betrayal.

Esaso couldn't control her anger anymore as she said, "We—" before she could finish her statement, she felt a touch on her shoulder, and she subconsciously turned her head. Only to see Ecnaba silently shaking her head. Esaso gritted her teeth. However, she could only swallow her grievance. They stood no chance if Higgins, Filore, and Uzerith were to gang up on them. Saying nothing further, the twins tossed their bows towards the edge of the arena. Then they loosed the straps of their quivers before tossing it to the other side of the arena.

"Now can we start?" The sarcasm and bitterness in Esaso's voice was audible to the deaf. However, Higgins, Filore and Uzerith didn't give a damn. They nodded while turning their attention towards James. Although they had formed an alliance, they didn't dare to relax their guards. However, they each fancied their chances of being the one to deliver the killing blow.

"I'm sure you don't need me to say this, but anyone who breaks the rules will fall at our hands. Think twice before letting greed get the best of you." Higgins declared solemnly.

However, none of them took his words to heart. Even Higgins didn't take his words seriously. If a splendid chance presented itself, he would destroy anyone that blocked his path.

"What do we do about the mist surrounding him? What if it's poisonous?" Uzerith suddenly asked. His words echoed the thoughts of those present. None of them could identity the mist. That it turned the ground pitch black also filled their hearts with a lingering sense of dread.

"Surely, the Damak twins will aid us if it's—"

"Go fuck yourself." Esaso retorted harshly. What a joke. Ecnaba sneered as she stared at Filore. "After forcing us to part with our bows, you want us to help you combat his poisonous fog too? Keep dreaming."

"Hehe... we didn't force you to do anything. We made a suggestion, and you agreed. Why are you blaming me? If you don't want to help, that's okay. Who said I can't handle a mere poisonous mist? Hmph." Filore retorted.

Higgins and Uzerith didn't bother adding to the discussion. Although the purple mist invoked an eerie feeling within them, they also had their methods to ensure their safety.

No one spoke further. They silently concluded their plans while sizing each other up. One couldn't be too reckless to act first. After all, the other might join and strike them first. If one reacted too late also, they would end up losing their chance to claim the prize.

Just then, a thunderous explosion rocked the arena, and a pillar of lava shot out of the magma pool.

"Shit! I forgot about that lava freak. Stop him!" Filore screamed. At that same moment, the lava pillar condensed into ten feet tall figure with dripping lava for its body. It had two gigantic, crimson eyes like glowing lanterns and a disfigured mouth which exude sulfur. The sludge like lava monstrosity sent chills down the spines of the slaves in attendance.

Liko, in a transformed state, rushed towards James in large strides. The earth beneath his feet turned into a trail of towering inferno. The mist surrounding James violently parted in face of the scorching heat. No matter how fast the allied group reacted, they wouldn't reach Liko. The inferno blocked their path.

Like a ghoul, Liko appeared before James. He unleashed a sickening bestial howl while raising his massive fist. However, James did not dodge. Instead, Nightbane's twin dagger in his right hand disappeared, and he reached for his mask. At that same moment, Liko's fist came crashing down in a torrent of heat and flaming lava. Midway through its decent, James removed the Mask of the Dead, and it transformed into a massive warhammer. Without warning, James effortlessly flicked his wrist and the beautiful warhammer greeted Liko's fist. An ear deafening ringing followed, and Liko's arm bent to an unnatural angle while his shrieks and wails shook the arena. Consumed by his primal desires, he launched his other fist towards James, its speed tripled that of the previous blow. It visibly warped the air. Sending scalding torrents of lava towards James. A savage grin appeared on James's face, and a dark barrier enveloped his body. However, Liko didn't retract his fist. Instead, the speed of its decent doubled. Within seconds, it landed on James's shadow barrier. Shock waves traveled throughout the arena, and then a crack followed. The shadow barrier shattered into hundreds of pieces. With no resistance, Liko's fist obliterated everything within a meter. The excited crowd could only see a sea of flames, and Liko standing at its center. They couldn't see any signs of James.

"Is he dead?" A slave muttered.

"Of course. No one can survive—" before his companion could finish her statement, a startling change followed. The flames churned, and James emerged wearing a white armor. Not a single blemish marred the armor. Liko's crimson eyes trembled. The flaming blow was his most powerful attack. He couldn't believe he didn't even scratch James's armor.

"My turn." James's armor released a blinding light, before transforming into the warhammer once more. James flicked his wrist, and the warhammer smashed into Liko's outstretched arm. His soul churning screams filled the air. Just then, James twisted his wrist, sending the warhammer directly towards Liko's right leg. The Halfling's leg shattered, and he immediately lost his balance. Falling face first towards James. Midway through his fall, James flicked his wrist once more. With a vicious upward swing, the warhammer came crashing on Liko's face. Instantly, his hulking body flew several feet into the air. A rain of Purplish red liquid poured from Liko's mouth. No one knew if he was dead or alive.

"Since you like playing with fire, try this on for size." James suddenly clicked his fingers, and a bluish flame shot towards Liko. However, the moment it contacted the purplish red liquid, a series of explosions erupted. Liko's screams filled the coliseum. At that same moment, a majestic silver barrier covered the spectators, and then a thunderous explosion followed. Blood splattered on different sections of the barrier. No one could hear Liko's scream anymore, and the bluish flame had disappeared.

Most of the audience sucked in a breath of fresh air. Their skins crawled at the sight of the Liko's bloody remains. They turned their gaze towards James. Unlike before, the warhammer had disappeared. This time, white chains wrapped around his arms while he held two talon like claws in both hands.

The allied group watched in absolute horror. Before they could even do anything, James had once again slain another combatant, and now he was staring at them.

"If you will not attack, then allow me to do the honors." James took a step forward. At that same moment, however, Piri's voice suddenly echoed. "Bring in the next combatant!"

James paused. His expression had turned solemn. Meanwhile, Higgins and the others stared at each other in disbelief. Piri's declaration surprised even the crowd. No one expected another combatant. Everyone turned their attention towards creaking silver gate at the other end of the arena. They wanted to know who the mysterious new entrant was. Midway through the gate's opening, a hoarse voice echoed from within, "Too slow." A loud explosion followed, and the two silver gates flew through the arena. One half brushed passed James while the other embedded itself into the walls of the arena.

At that same moment, a hulking figure emerged. He stood over eight feet tall, and his body was gray as ash. He pierced his ears with two bronze circular earrings while two smaller nose rings decorated his disfigured nose. Several eerie scars covered his upper body, while a black fur covered his lower body.

"I-It's the Beast of Carnage, Mandrogo..." A young slave muttered. Her lips trembled as she stared at the massive Ogre. Her eyes lingered on the massive, double-sided battle ax resting on his shoulders. The moment Mandrogo appeared, a section of the crowd erupted in ecstatic cheers. The Ogres dominated that region. Unlike most races in Skyhaven, they were renowned for their kinship.

"Mandrogo! Mandrogo! Mandrogo!"

Chants of the Ogre's name slowly envelope the coliseum. Meanwhile, Filore and Uzerith stared at Mandrogo in absolute terror. If a common slave knew about him, there was no way they wouldn't know about the Beast of Carnage. He had won over thirty battles in the arena and was rumored to be next in line to challenge for right ownership. Some even declared him as the unofficial strongest person below senior journeyman.

"Silence!" Piri commanded. "The reward remains the same. Whoever takes down the soldier named Kaleb will become a rights holder. You may start!"