Hunt I

James exited the coliseum via the main entrance. The skies had turned into a mixture of crimson and ash. Dusk fast approached. 'It's still crowded.' James stared at his surroundings. Hundreds of people trekked along the busy streets. James didn't know why, but many members of the crowd from the coliseum had yet to depart. 'It seems they are waiting for the top dogs to depart before they do.' James chuckled softly. He understood why most of the soldiers lingered in the town. According to his inquiries the previous day, ordinary soldiers couldn't stay in the town. They could only live within the surrounding forest. However, many lingered around the town during the day, hoping to avoid the dangers of the forest. The caretakers forbade killing in the town. Even those with rights could only spend a maximum of three consecutive nights within the town, before they are ask or forcefully evicted.

James did not know he would be in the same boat as the others. He was the first person ever to lose his right in less than three days. He could only curse his poor luck. 'Where should I go? I don't think I can… huh?' James's brows suddenly creased. He had noticed a peculiarity among the passerby.

There was no one who wouldn't recognize him after his stunning display in the arena. A few had identified him the moment he emerged from the coliseum. The slaves and weaker soldiers among them didn't dare to look at him directly. They turned around. Leaving with the swiftest speed their legs could carry them. Hoping and praying James wouldn't target them. James didn't pay them any mind. With the system active again, he already knew the extent of their abilities. However, James had noticed a select few who had been watching him since he exited the coliseum. Dread didn't warp their features, neither did their eyes echo deep-seated greed. Instead, they stared at James with the emotionless eyes of a predator.

'Haha... this is fantastic! They've gathered themselves for me.' James struggled to stop himself from smiling. He turned around, taking one last glance at the coliseum, before departing towards the forest. Leaving through the eastern route.

At that same moment, various groups made their moves. Their subtle but coordinated movement wouldn't draw the attention of the typical passerby. The knowledgeable within the crowd, however, knew a storm was brewing.


In one of several lodgings within the town, three caretakers sat around a round table. The aroma of the sumptuous dishes laying on the table filled the room. However, neither of the trio ate nor spoke. Only the licking flames dancing on charred wood echoed within the silence.

A moment later, the youngest of the three broke the silence. "Uncle Dacio, are you sure that's the best course of action?" Uzor whispered. He turned towards Dacio while occasionally staring at Sarkis, who sat to his right. James's battle prowess surprised the trio. On one hand, they were glad they didn't act arbitrarily during their dispute. On the other hand, they couldn't allow him to get any stronger. From his ruthless display in the arena, they knew James wasn't the type to show mercy to his enemies. They had gathered to discuss how they could uproot the weed called Kaleb, before he eventually strangles them. Contrary to Uzor's expectations, Dacio advised them to stay away from James.

"I am with Uzor on this. Are we really going to leave that brat be?" Sarkis added. James's battle prowess shocked him the most. He was moments away from exchanging fists with him the previous day. He shuddered at the thought of what would have happened had the executioner not intervened.

Dacio raised his head to meet the duo's expectant gazes. He shook his head while saying, "If given the chance, can you kill him?" He glanced at the duo awaiting their response. However, silence followed. Sarkis' mouth twitched several times, but he remained silent. Meanwhile, a deep frown distorted Uzor's visage. Neither of them could guarantee their survival in a battle with James, not to talk of killing him.

Dacio continued. "If you're uncertain, then why take an unnecessary gamble?"

"Uncle, even if we aren't able to guarantee his death. That doesn't mean we should let him be." Uzor spat out. He hated the fact that James wasn't as weak as he thought.

"When did I say we'll leave him alone?" Dacio chuckled.

Uzor and Sarkis turned towards him. "Uncle, what do you mean? Didn't you say we shouldn't confront him?"

The duo didn't understand why Dacio spoke from both sides of his mouth. How would they leave James alone, and yet still confront him? They mused.

Dacio smiled slightly. A sinister glint flashed across his eyes. "We don't have to do anything. After his stunning display, there will be tens of people going after that item." Dacio smile turned into a savage grin. "Why should we do anything when we can let others do all the work?"

Sarkis and Uzor stared at each other in understanding. A savage grin quickly replaced their deep frown. Dacio's words made sense. Their apprehension and shock had clouded their judgement, they believed.

"Although that's a great idea. What about the item? Surely, we can't let some random idiots get their hands on it, right?"

Dacio curled his lips. "Sarkis, it seems you haven't recovered from the shock yet." Dacio chuckled softly. He then turned towards Uzor, before continuing. "Do you know why I said so?"

Uzor contemplated for a moment, before saying, "To profit from others?" Uzor wasn't sure. That was the only reason that made sense to him.

Sarkis suddenly nodded in realization. "Whoever steals the mask will have a massive bullseye on their back..." He muttered. At that moment, Sarkis and Uzor understood what Dacio hinted at.

"I'm glad you understand." Dacio chuckled. "Why stress ourselves when we can let others to the work? Once they kill the kid and take the mask, we can just pry it off their hands. That way, we wouldn't flout the headmaster's order." Dacio added.

"Killing three birds with one stone..." Uzor whispered in delight. The trio couldn't stop themselves from laughing. Although they knew the assailants could fail, they didn't care. It would give them enough time to form a concrete plan. Just then, a series of low knocks echoed within the room. The laughing trio paused, subconsciously turning towards the door. Dacio knitted his brows. He expected no visitors and had sternly warned his servants not to disturb him unless it was something important.

"Master, he has left the coliseum, and he's on his way to the forest." A hoarse voice reported.

Dacio's visage softened. "You know what to do. Let me know when it's done." The man behind the door didn't respond. He left to enact the order.

Dacio glanced at Uzor and Sarkis. "Let's eat while we wait for the good news. We will discuss the ownership of the mask later. Okay?"

Wordlessly, the duo nodded. Saying nothing further, the trio ate in silence. Each planning and preparing for their next course of action within their mind.


In the headquarters of the brotherhood, Haider Lewis paced around his room in silence. The events of the day plagued his mind. 'That fucking coward left me hung out to dry.' He knew the real reason Kirby made him in charge of eliminating James. If he succeed, no one would ask questions. If he failed, however, they could pin everything on him. He would become a scapegoat for James's vengeance.

He seethed as he remembered Kirby's words. Without hesitation, he smashed the bronze cup in his hand on the ground. It bent at awkward angles. Unless reforged, it would remain useless. 'This is how they treat me after all the sacrifices I've made?' Rage distorted Haider's visage. His eye had turned bloodshot while his breathing quickened. Just then, he heard a knock. He turned towards the door. A small parchment lay on the floor. Haider knitted his brows. He reached for the parchment before reading its contents. A moment later, Haider set the parchment ablaze via a small lantern. His countenance had returned to normal.

"Those bastards better do a clean job. I've staked too much on this." Haider whispered. The contents of the parchment explained James's movement, and an agreement receipt between Haider and a group called the Night Wolves. He clenched his fists as he remembered the sky-high price he paid to hire the assassins. 'Forget it. Although that bastard is strong, everyone knows about his abilities. It will only make it easier for them to eliminate him.' Haider buried his troublesome thoughts at the back of his mind. He turned towards the only window in the door. He could see the setting sun in the lonely skies. "Lucy's place shouldn't have closed yet. I should visit Meave. Only her can calm my nerves." Haider walked out of the room without a second thought.

Different factions made their preparations in secret. Only a few could sense the changing tides within the town.