I will wait for you

They will tell you that you should be afraid to worry that you have to hide when you face danger They will tell you that sometimes running away is the best solution.

 But let me tell you something, Fear is a curse. If you feel fear you will hesitate and if you hesitated you will get killed and you will be completely finished, Therefore, you should collect yourself and carry your sword to the end or you will fall and no one will be able to save you.

Throughout my miserable life, I have been living. I didn't know the meaning of fear I lost it all when I killed the person that kidnapped me

On that day I lost a lot of things and gained a lot

That day I changed from being a human. To becoming a goddamn monster, roaming the world in order to take revenge for the pain in his heart.

 With every stab I landed on that bastard, I was losing something important inside of me.

Who I am ?!

Or what have I turned to.