The standoff

The Chosen One!

They may tell you that you own the world and that you are the chosen one, but do you feel that you are. Do you feel that the world is under your control?

And is the truth known or is everything a lie?

Are you the Great one or are you just a human?

You'll never get to the top. when you believe that you are already there


But be careful which is up and which is down

try to keep your place on top and get to the highest point you can get to and don't ever say that you reached the top.

Because The world has no peak

there's always someone higher than you. You should try to get past and overcome him.

And when it comes to the chosen one nonsense

 I don't even know what the chosen one means.

All the monsters were cheering the the chosen one and kneeling to me

Suddenly, blood came up and appeared next to me. It was Dracula Dracul. She was smiling in a thrill and exciting manner.