The Blood League

In the Hell of Worlds Prison

The Joker stood, staring at the muscular man before him with unblinking eyes. His fierce gaze tracked every detail. Many people stood atop the rocks, mocking the Joker, but none of them dared to hide their fear from his gaze. One of them stood atop the highest rock among the rocks.

"Kill him, Sado, and you will have all the gold you want."

This leader, named Rams, realized that the Joker would become a danger with time, so he decided to kill him there.

But at that moment,

Everyone standing heard only one thing.

The sound of loud laughter.

They all looked towards the Joker, who was laughing hysterically. He had his hand on his head and was laughing with all his might. His body was shaking and his mind was in a daze from what was happening around him. He shouted and said,

"Do you really think you fools can kill me?"

He said to himself,