A Wall of Blue

The cafeteria was mostly vacant, with there being a sparse few students who had missed their dinners and made-do with snacks. Jyorta munched his food, a jelly-like substance smeared within hard bread. Taste-wise, it was nothing much to comment about but, it had the highest nutritional value among the snacks.

He had taken a total of four pieces, with each piece twice bigger than his palm. He later planned to issue for a snack with taste after completing the hard bread, intending to satisfy his taste buds.

A petite figure appeared, calmly siding into a chair next to him, acting natural. She placed her plate on the table, blowing off some remnant food particles, her actions painting a scenario of cuteness.

"How is our star doing today?" Laila said, her voice ringing out in a melodious tune, soft to the ears.