Fear, Apprehension, and Detesting Arrangements

The blue inscriptions in his blue soul were trembling, experiencing a change. They converged towards one another, joining and fusing into a larger entity. It induced a chain reaction, spreading towards the rest of the knowledge stored in it, assimilating them into the cluster.

Jyorta hurriedly took in the view of his blue soul, watching his surroundings go dark. He first noticed the subsoul belonging to his Wisdom Parasite trembling like a scared kitten, caught in a storm. It felt a fear similar to what the blue soul felt from Laila, the only difference being the magnitude.

He also noticed the speed of Nurturing subtly increasing, stacking atop the Trait of Efficiency. His blue soul dwarfed the murky trembling wisp, its blue hue denser than before. The blue inscriptions in it combined and joined with each other, changing their inherent makeup, forging a new structure, raising its complexity.