Gulvana Harr

A lady in her late twenties arrived before them, bowing towards Atika Light. "Heima has just been shifted to another ward. Despite some major loss in her Sync Rate, we managed to extract most of the Essence of Frenzy in her spine."

"Good work," Atika Light nodded, her expression one of calm. "Lead me there, now."

Faint sweat perforated the pores on her forehead as the lady bowed once again, silently wiping her sweat when she turned around. She led them through the narrow path, brushing past the people who acted like they were busy.

Since it was a narrow path, their only choice of disappearing was to take the position as wall decorations.

As Atika Light walked past each slacker, she acted ignorant, as if she hadn't sensed their existence. Her hand reached out to the ear of one of them, twisting it a little, inciting a whimper from the other party. The youth let out a chuckle, holding his ear that had turned red.