The Curtain

"Dammit," Jyorta slumped on the bed, heaving exhausted breaths, letting out a self-deprecating laugh. He clutched his forehead, massaging his brows, feeling his eyes moisten.

Seeing his expression, Atika Light appeared beside him, placing her hand on his back, in an effort to console him. "Tell me the difficulties you faced. I'll try to come up with a plausible solution."

There was the question of doubt, thanks to his ignorance of her character. Moreover, he didn't want to reveal his secrets without a valid reason. Based on the reaction exhibited by the onlookers from the metro station in the Lower Strata until they reached the current building, Jyorta concluded that Atika Light wasn't a normal character.

She had a nature to her that scared everyone, especially the stronger ones. This wasn't possible just because of her strength; there ought to have been another reason.