One of Calm, Optimism, and Filled With Focus

12th December, the year 333 of the Dawn Era, in a certain room situated underground, a figure tossed and turned, feeling a sense of discomfort. The discomfort stemmed from the new atmosphere, not to mention the state of things, the sounds, the smell emanating through the air, and the faint aura intermixed into it; they seemed to unnerve the figure's beauty sleep.

Jyorta opened his eyes, feeling his sleepy state abate like the tide, giving him functional clarity in a matter of seconds. His eyelids felt heavy, a faint feeling of irritation apparent in his eyes, the burning sensation making him want to close his eyes and cool them down in slumber.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere wasn't one that could grant him his wishes. Moreover, he experienced a couple of bad dreams, the contents of which he forgot as soon as he woke up. Jyorta leaned forward, tracing his hand on the adjacent wall, stopping when he came across an overgrowth.