The Green Energy

"Just kidding," A voice resounded from the bone giant, retracting into its centre, turning back into the figure of Jyovic Bone, retaining a smaller pair of wings on his back. Jyovic Bone smiled at Vi Ha Su Warlord, making the latter unconsciously increase the distance between them by another hundred metres.

Jyovic bone extended his hand forward, placing it on the chest of the dead Vu He Su Warlord, watching the flesh in the area of contact squirm, opening a pathway for his hand to enter. Jyovic Bone inserted his hand through the gap, emitting faint green energy, allowing it to coagulate within, circulating through its body once.

He then retracted his hands, pulling out two objects—two thumb-sized crystals, spherical in shape, one crimson, and the other creamy white—pocketing them. The wings on his back flapped, bringing him towards a crater.