Wenina Marble’s Threat

"You can stop now." Atika Light placed a hand on his shoulders, breaking his focus; her action nudged him out of his blue soul's vision. Jyorta relaxed his arms, watching his Caterpillar dissolve into two blood tendrils and seep through his nostrils.

"Ma'am, do I need to be treated again?" Jyorta inquired, feeling the condition of his body slightly better off than before. He returned the rectangular box filled with Brain Crystals, inquiring with slight nervousness, unwilling to face a drop in his Sync Rate once again.

"It is no longer necessary; drinking the medicine I concocted will be sufficient. It will flush out the Brain Crystal impurities, preventing your condition from dropping like before." Atika Light handed him a beaker, filled with the same viscous solution as before.