
Jyorta unleashed his Soul Cornea, slithering it out his body, prodding its way towards the tiny wisp. The Soul Cornea exerted its influence, having arrived next to the wisp. The next moment, the trace murky substance covering the wisp vaporised, allowing the pure memory fragments to condense within it.

The Soul Cornea touched the wisp, destroying its ego in an instant. The soul core experienced some changes as a part of Jyorta's ego was attached to it, fusing into its essence. The Soul Cornea then approached the other soul, spanning one-tenth its size.

When it neared the soul, it exerted its influence once again, vaporising the murkiness covering the other party, consuming a longer time to get the process done. The soul faintly trembled, sensing its presence. But, it wasn't developed to the extent capable of retaliation, its only fate to be invaded by the Soul Cornea.