
"Thankfully, you returned today." The girl smiled, picking up her empty plate, "Due to the construction for the November Batch's Graduation Ceremony Battlefield, our classes have been rescheduled. We have Madam Rizenne's class next."

"What are they preparing for this…Graduation Ceremony?" Placing his final plate in the section meant for used plates, Jyorta washed his hands, and accompanied the girl to the exit, gazing at the massive yellow wall.

They had finished their lunch within five minutes, thanks to the girl's eating habits; Jyorta too accompanied suit, keeping up with the pace. He followed the girl's lead, watching her turn around as she conversed with him, leading the way to their next class.

Along the way, he hadn't spotted any of his other batch mates. But, since he would meet them in class anyway, he wasn't too bothered about the issue. All he wanted to find was the destination.