Secrets of the Aristocratic Families

'I wonder what else has been lost during the dark ages.' Jyorta wondered, watching Madam Rizenne unleash a psychic arm and open the door next to the stage, allowing a staff to push a trolley inside.

The trolley was shaped into a prism, with rollers attached to its base, providing motion. A thin, inconspicuous line separated the prism into two segments, situated at a spot one-fourth of its height from the top.

Once the staff pushed the trolley inside the auditorium, he slightly bowed towards Madam Rizenne and exited. A psychic arm flashed and lifted the trolley, placing it on the dais, next to the podium.

The psychic arm seeped into it, causing it to emit a gentle illumination, lasting for a second before vanishing. The top segment unravelled into four triangles, creating a tiny platform while sporting a square-shaped hole in the centre.