Perceive the World with Naivety

The brown coloured Relic was slightly bigger than the previous one, having a side of 11 centimetres based on an approximate measurement. Jyorta watched it hover before him, lifted by his psychic arm.

It slightly shivered, like a boat rowing on a gentle sea. It lit up with a faint brown hue but didn't exert any changes. Jyorta couldn't sense anything other than what he normally perceived.

Madam Rizenne's voice resounded in his ear, "This is a skin-type Relic and houses a sensory-based Skill, Altitude Perception. Place the Relic anywhere on your Skin and you should be able to perceive the altitude of your current position."

Jyorta rolled up the sleeves on his left arm, placing the Relic on the exposed skin. Immediately, a sense of vertigo enveloped him, akin to an illusion of free fall. It was like the vertigo wasn't produced from a state of rapid descent but a stationary state, confusing his senses.