Reappearance of the Sixth Psychic Arm

"I am surprised you flat out refused her offer." Jyorta walked along the path next to the yellow wall, gazing at the girl walking to his right.

The girl smiled, brushing strands of hair that covered her vision to the back, "I have been studying with Laila recently. Studying with her is really efficient. We divide topics between each of us that we have to cover the next day and so on. You should also join us."

"I'll pass for now. I mostly prefer to study alone. Though, if you have any doubts, you can ask me." Jyorta flexed his left arm, letting out a helpless smile, acting as if he was about to cry. Haesha laughed in response to his action and sent a light punch his way.

"Also, I guess I should mention this." Haesha placed her arm on the yellow wall, feeling its smooth texture and its unshakable sturdiness. "Madam Mila's class that had been scheduled for the day after tomorrow has been cancelled."