Lava Turtle Vs Floating Spider

"Ouch!" Vishen Walta winced in pain, watching a pale blue psychic arm seep into him. In normal times, it was difficult for Warriors to detect a psychic arm. But, when Hruna Bone activated her Unranked Skill Regen, it turned her psychic arm pale blue, allowing everyone to see.

Usually, Vishen Walta used his aura to get a feel for the presence of any psychic arm. The aura was a phenomenon created due to his body exerting its presence. It was thanks to each cell in his body having surpassed normalcy.

Aura was a formless force, lacking any physical effect for most. The aura of every individual was different, even to the extent of calling each unique. The aura produced in his body was thanks to every cell in him exerting their presence at the same time, creating a unified whole.