Foresight and Wisdom

'The Life Leech, one of the three Frenzy Beasts that form the base of the Unranked Skill, Bone Devour. Is a shot at longetivity one of the factors that grandfather had planned and incorporated long ago? If he gave such thought even during its creation phase, it makes him a scary being. No wonder sister is always on guard against him.' Jyorta retracted his hand, having made his point across.

His thoughts churned, making him recall pieces of information that he otherwise only noted down as facts. An Unranked Skill focused on the manipulation of bone, and body muscles, having a focus on absorbing energy from the bodies of enemies, also filtering out the Essence of Frenzy in the case of Frenzy Beasts; now, the ability to prolong life through its use.

Only when he thought about the Life Leech did he consider other possibilities, realising a bit of what his grandfather had planned to accomplish.