Psychic Armoury

On his way to the exit, Jyorta noticed the getup of the two approaching students. Leather armour covered their entire body, tough, but flexible. Armguards made of steel, attached to the leather. Leg guards that stopped before the ankle, also made of steel.

Chest armour made from attached steel strips, riveted for ease of movement. Finally, a helmet that enclosed their head; the pores for the nose stuffed with certain herbs, and the visor possessing a transparent membrane, selectively outlining the eyes. Chainmail covered their neck region while an armoured skirt—chainmail overlaid with metal strips—hung from their hips, reaching their knees.

They didn't wear any gauntlets, only sporting leather gloves that gave a better grip. Strapped to their belt was a tiny bag. Hung next to it were a knife and a tong, the ends sharp.