

Jyorta mentally cursed, watching the Floating Spider fly his way. At first, the Floating Spider was just a statue. Followed by the clacking of its mandibles, its entire body began to look lively. It flew in the air, its speed of flight around five metres per second, faster than his psychic arm.

In normal times, Jyorta was capable of outrunning it. He wasn't the fastest student in his Batch, but he was still fast enough when considering only the Espers. But, with his limbs bound, he was unable to move; his only option was to roll on the ground.

Even rolling wasn't easy, thanks to his hands bound to his midriff, constricting his ability to bend or easily shift his weight. The Floating Spider made a dive towards his face, its clacking mandibles threatening to tear apart his flesh and gorge into the delicate brain matter.