Fruits of Harvest

8:30 PM, walking on the ground, and feeling the soft grass, Jyorta's mood improved. He looked past the figures of students moving about, making fun of each other, engaging in casual chat, exchanging gossips, discussing studies, etc.

Everyone seemed to be proceeding about their tasks, or stuff they were inclined to do. Jyorta continued to walk, his mind almost vacant, not thinking anything. He relished the moment of peace, planning to sharpen his mind.

In the training hall, he became angry the moment the Floating Spider landed on his face. There was a myriad of emotions he experienced, exhibited in the form of anger. Thankfully, he didn't do anything stupid that he would otherwise regret.

The blue soul removed the false persona, looking alert. Jyorta was fine, his emotions in control, having completely calmed down. He let out a self-deprecating laugh, "Hypocrite…"