A Warrior’s Breakthrough

'One day, I will return the favour.' Jyorta clenched his hand into a fist, his expression one of calm. Due to the state of his blue soul, he was unable to retract his false persona. So, irrespective of what he faced, Jyorta was bound to remain in a state of calm, optimism, and filled with focus.

7:50 PM, Jyorta retracted his psychic arm, feeling a headache. He had been using his abilities for a long period, placing him under mental strain. As his psychic energy had been fully expended, Jyorta decided to call it a day.

Within this duration, he had managed to finish training with three red contraptions. The first was a normal barrier, the second was a flat plane that acted as a mirror, and the third was a flat plane that acted as a lens.