A Rough Battle

"Urgh," Jyorta grunted, noticing a thin stream of blood seep out from his left hand. A tooth of the Spiked Lizard finally broke past all defences, piercing his skin. Even though he had recreated a barrier over his arm, it wasn't as strong as before. After all, it had to layer the tongue of the Spiked Lizard wound over his arm.

If it tried to go under the tongue, it shattered every time the tongue tightened its hold. Even though it was recreated, the teeth of the Spiked Lizard continued to press on it, quickly shattering it, finally breaking through his armour's defences.

Jyorta rolled on the ground, with the Spiked Lizard in tow. Finally, its body trembled erratically before turning limp. His spindle had finally drilled its way into the Spiked Lizard's brain and had damaged enough.