Memories of the Crust-Mantle

The nurse lady, Vaika spoke, "The duty falls on me to explain the intricacies of aura to Cadets after their first exploration. Most of them get injured like you, without even noticing anything amiss. There are many forms of aura in the Labyrinth mixed with each other. That's why, their effects can't be guarded against during your first time."

"Then, how can I proceed with my exploration? When I unleash my aura, I can immobilise my foes. That makes it easier for me to kill them. The strength of an Area Controller is lacking for a full-on assault." Jyorta sat straight, feeling his head spin a little. The nurse had imparted a lot of information in a short duration. It had a lot of complexities that he couldn't wrap his head around in such a short duration.