Static and Dynamic Cogent Phrenics

Cogent Phrenics, the denizens of the Mental Realm; their forms were shaped based on the majority of the experience fragments that composed them. If the content related to the experience fragments were those of slashing motions, attacks, actions, of blades, rods, paper, etc. they would end up producing a Cogent Phrenics that looked like a flat sword with a wide body frame, lacking a hilt.

If the dominant portion within them consisted of swords and their hacking experiences, then the resultant Cogent Phrenics would have the texture of a sword, same for its shape, size, its mode of travel, and even its attacks.

So, when it attacks, it would make hacking motions. Generally, due to the experience fragments in them, the resultant Cogent Phrenics would only possess a set of actions. Their actions would become increasingly complex at higher Tiers, but for Tier 1 and Tier 2 equivalent Cogent Phrenics, they at most possessed three or four forms.