Using a Disaster to Their advantage

Seated within a cubicle on the 61st floor of the Limitless Tower was the Amplifier who had recently returned to reality. Theoretically, he had made a successful breakthrough.

"Huff…puff…" He wheezed in pain, clutching his chest. Sweat oozed out his skin while a thin stream of blood leaked from his eyes. Faint white lines formed on his skin, rupturing it bit by bit. In actuality, he had failed his breakthrough, despite finishing both phase 1 and 2.

The fused Heart Crystal in his heart wasn't solid enough, nor was it stable. Before stabilising it, he had initiated the next process and arrived at the Mental Realm. This was the method everyone taking part in the Cleansement Manoeuvre had taken. Otherwise, with their accumulations, they wouldn't even have been able to finish phase 1 successfully.