Aura Personification—Hallucination!

Of the three Ring Worms that had burrowed out, two were faster as they latched onto the piece of meat. The third was a tad slower.

But, the instant the two Ring Worms bit onto the piece of meat, they disappeared, leaving behind the third one that wriggled in confusion. An instant later, it retreated into the ground. This time, the scuttling sounds were a notch intense.

'The key is when they touch the piece of meat.' Jyorta thought, steadily retreating from the scene, intending to return to the area dominated by the Spiked Lizards to regain his bearings first.

Suddenly, he noticed a soul fly his way incredibly fast. Without any hesitation, Jyorta activated his corrosion. The two Soul Corneas expanded in size while turning jet black. Similarly, the two psychic arm barriers around him also turned jet black while Jyorta pulled out his sword.