Surpassing the Depth

"The pile of bodies has reached half the wall's height. Where are the Espers?" A Transformer bellowed, unleashing his Tier 3 Skill, causing a drove of Stingrays to fall to the ground.

"This is not the only place we are in charge of," A Ground Controller grunted, panting while unleashing all four psychic arms. The four psychic arms exited the dome and seeped into the hill of carcasses, picking them up part by part.

The body parts were wrapped by his psychic arms and brought into the dome. Ripples formed on the dome as they passed through, making a check to see there wasn't anything strange or suspicious within the carcasses. It was Psychic Ancestor Marble monitoring the situation while allowing the soldiers entry and exit. He had to actively arrange it every moment.

"Can't you move it faster?" The Transformer shouted, "At this rate, our entire city would be buried underneath their carcasses."