The Marble Box

'Parasite could faintly sense the presence of the Tier 6 Skep but was unable to pinpoint its location. So, its aura only lingered around the water surface? Or maybe it is currently occupied with something pressing, unable to divert much attention here? The issue must be pressing enough considering it hasn't sent Crash to probe around. As an Esper, Crash should have an easier time locating the Tier 6 Skep.' Rhachis Ancestor Strongest thought.

His thoughts aligned with the truth. Rhachis Ancestor Parasite was busy suppressing the sea of flames that had erupted on his home, unable to divert much attention elsewhere. Its subordinates were also assisting it in suppressing the flames while trying to think up countermeasures.

'Seeing as how Dawn asked for my presence all of a sudden, he must have been the cause. I am curious how he had been able to achieve it.' He thought, moving through the water to avoid a tentacle that brushed past him.